"We keep our teaching Cd's at minimum price, so you can afford to grow!"


  Click on title to hear Mp3 clips  Messages are on single CD for $5.00
1. When 2, Become 1.."I don't know if I love you anymore"


2. Temptation.. 5 steps into death  




3. Fear! How to recognize it and defeat it!





4. Faith! Believe it and Ill show you!





5. Knock! Knock! Its the Old Man!


6. Seasons..Temporary places on the way to your dream!


7. 'Great Anointings' come out of 'Great Tribulation!'


8. God would never do that!..or..Would He?


9. Tried by Fire! Receiving the Reward!




10. Fighting the Enemy! How to keep your Peace.



11. The Sacrifice of Praise..How to pray in hard times!





12. Lord..What will you give me!?...





   13. The Sign of the Saved

     (Love For The Least)



      Who God Says You Are!





  Stupid is looking for you!










14. Hearing Gods Voice.(How can I be sure?) 





15. Pregnant With a Vision..




16. Miracles! Testimonies of Gods Power!




17. Praying for your Enemies! Gods secret weapon! 





18. The Power of the Tongue! 





19. Your decisions effect your family? 




20. Be who God made you! (Different is okay!)




21. The Body of Christ..(What part are you?)




22. The Prodigals Brother..




23. Prayer..(Like a phone call home!)  



24. Don't Mess With The Blessed!




25. Mind Your Own Business! 1Thes 4:11





26. Regret (How to get free!)  




27. Bad Influences (Right there in your church!)  




28. Check the Fruit! (Is this of God?)




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